Teferra, Seyoum (PhD)Tessera, Adane2018-08-062023-11-052018-08-062023-11-051993-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/10967The purpose of this study was to make an investigation into the magnitude, and location of wastage in primary schools of Bahir Dar Awraja. Attempts were also made to identify the major factors that contribute to wastage of high magnitude. Whether or not pupils' teachers' and school characteristic variable~ are related with rate of wastage was one of the major purposes of this study. Data regarding pupils enrollment repetition and dropouts were obtained from Awraja Educational office and from the 16 sample schools, that were selected randomly. The study included 102 teachers, 301 pupils and 16 school principals. Questionnaires and interview schedules were the instruments of data collection. The data gathered from documents, and through questionnaires and interview were analysed using percentages and other statistical techniques such as the chi-square, multiple and stepwise regression analysis. To determione the magnitude of wastage the Reconstructed Cohort method was used with certain modification. Using the 1985/86 first grade starting cohort, the output/input proportion was determined. The findings have indicated that, of the total number of pupils who entered grade one 1985/86 academic year only about 55 percent reached grade two and about 22 percent completed their primary education at the end of the sixth year. It was found that wastage rate was higher in the first grade, among girls than among boys, in rural than in urban schools. Being a repeater or a promotee does not necessarily be the function of personal family background characteristics. The multiple and step-wise regression results have indicated that teacher, and school characteristic variables were found important to explain wastage rate. It was thus revealed that internal factors of wastage were more important than external factors. The findings, there -fore, suggest that improving these variables may make a considerable change in the quality and quantity of education children are provided with. Based on these findings and th~ conclusions drawn it was recommended that measures regarding the improvement of teacher training, the application of OUtomatic promotion in the first three grades, separation of primary schools from junior secondary schools and the suspension of the practice of the shift system in primary schools be taken to minimize the prevailing magnitude of wastage.enWastage in PrimarySchools of BaillrWastage in Primary Schools of Baillr Dar AwrajaThesis