Alem Hagos (PhD)Mekbib Altaye2024-04-232024-04-232024-03-13, Value Added Tax (VAT) has become a major worldwide tax instrument which enhances economic growth, and it has a significant factor in increasing government revenue, which funds expenditures. However, governments have addressed many obstacles to ensure effective tax collection. The study aims to assess the factors affecting the Value-Added Tax (VAT) Collection Performance, in the case of the Gullele sub-city, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. In doing so, the study evaluates the VAT collection performance factor in more detail. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to collect and analyze primary and secondary data for the study. Self-administered questionnaires to the branch office employees were used to collect primary data. The target populations of the study were the staff members of the Gullele sub city small scale taxpayer’s branch office. In the branch office there were 32 total workers in the taxation department who were directly involved in VAT collection and administration. The study used purposive and convenient nonprobability sampling technique. Accordingly, the total sample size considered by the researcher was 30. Descriptive Survey data analysis method used, and STATA 14 were used for the quantitative analysis. Furthermore, secondary data was gathered to assess the factors that affect the VAT collection performance. The lack of advanced technology, the low number of registered VAT payers and those who announced their VAT return with payment, the inadequate capacity-building and training programs for tax officials and staff, and other tax administrative practices are the main causes of the low performance of VAT collection. The study concluded by recommending the use of cutting-edge technology, ongoing staff capacity building, proper intention for the planning of VAT collection, hiring the necessary workforce, enhancing consumer and VAT payer awareness, and increasing the number of VAT payers to increase the performance of VAT in Ethiopia. It also needs the government’s and citizens' due attention, and the concerned body may take the findings worthwhile for corrective action.en-USAssessment of Factors Affecting the Value-Added Tax Collection Performance in the Case of Gullele Sub-city, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaThesis