Aseffa, Abebe (PhD)Techane, Fasil2019-03-062023-11-042019-03-062023-11-042014-05 paper looked at the experience of religious leaders who participated in HIV intervention program using religious val ues and principles to tackle the problem of /-I I V AIDS in the community and their beneficiaries who benefited from this intervention. This study was developed by using an in depth interview as a primary tool and ten patticipants were purposive ly selected to be interviewed. This study was developed in terms of qualitative inquiry with a descriptive purpose. Thematic categorizati on and content analysis is used for anal yzi ng data. The key findin gs of this resea rch point out that the conventional methods of addressing the issue of HIV is inadequate to solve the problem of HIV/AIDS, the use of religious leaders in the fight aga inst HIV/AIDS can bring tremendous change in the situation of HI V in the country and the integration of spiritual intervention into the conventional method of intervention will result a tra nsformation of ind ividual and behav ioral change. Interventions should also be aimed at empowering and enabling individuals and communities towards risk consciousness, risk prevention and promotion of heal rhy life style. Key Words: spiritual intervention, re ligious va lues, alternative reli gious approaches, HIV message, conventional approachenspiritual interventionre ligious va luesalternative reli gious approachesHIV messageconventional approachAn Assessment of an Alternative Religious Approach That Use Biblical Values and Religious Leaders in Hiv Prevention ProcessThesis