Alemu, Tadesse (PhD)Abebe, Salelesh2018-09-262023-11-052018-09-262023-11-051986-10 utilization of the tra i[wd traditionnl birth nttendant8 ill thre (~ F'lrmot's 1 Ass:lciat i cns W[,,3 studi ed. These Farmer::; 7 Associat.ions include \':eyu GebrLJ1J Geraba Fila end AHdo Kontela. The method of the s tudy \0],')8 by questi {)r~n<lir(! interviuw uu.r v:-.l. All mothers with children l ess thr.n thre~ years of age in Aedo Konteln and ·w·ith children l ess than six mont:hs of age in the o'";her two Farmers' Associations ~"e re interv"iewad. Five trained traditional birth atter:dants, one community health agent.ll the c hF!.irpersons of \olomen' s Associationo, nnd the health perB01mel who are invol ved in t h .' training and lor Buper·"ision of , the trai.ned trudttioLn l birth cH:tendunts we re interviewed .. The finding s r evesled the low utilization of trained tradlttona l birth nttt~ndants . AntBnetal servic~ waG rendered to only three of the moth","s. Ninteen \lomen (15.1%) were "l ttend€d by trni ned ~r~.ditiona l birth a ttendants during delivery. Of all mo thers, 48(38 .1~n had knowlC!dg p- on child spncing nnd out 6£ thesd, on~ mother acquired h(,'r knowledg.:; from trained t rndi tlonal birth l'I1:tendnnt and th·2 r <1st from clinic s tnff . Suparvizion of trained crndition.11 bi~th nttcndnnts is not do n~ in these three Farmcrs i Assoc i ations.enUtilization of Trained TraditionalUtilization of Trained Traditional Birth Attendants in Three FarBters Associations in Haykoch &nd Butajira AwrajaThesis