Abahumna, Assefa( PhD)Gerbaba, Keno2019-11-292023-11-102019-11-292023-11-102009-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/20286The purpose of this study was to assess problems associated with teachers' performance appraisal system operating in high schools in Western Wollega zone. To this effect, descriptive survey method of research was used. The study was conducted in 8 government high schools selected on the basis of random sampling techniques. The subjects of the investigation were 8 principals and 72 teachers drawn from the sample schools. The information's were gathered through a survey questionnaire and analysed using mean score and percentage. Thus the findings of the study proved that formative purposes were the principal purposes the criteria were found to be inadequate and inappropriate; incompetent appraisers were assigned to judge teachers' performance; and inadequate information's were used. Moreover, Teachers' performance appraisal system was not revised in the past five years. In sum, the present teachers' performance appraisal system was considered as ineffective to achieve its goal. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers' performance appraisal system ought to be revised and designed in such a way that it will meaningfully involve stakeholders.enIERAn Assessment of Teachers' Performance Appraisal System in High Schools of Western Wollega ZoneThesis