Belehu, Ayele (PhD)Gebremariam, Zinabu2021-12-292023-11-092021-12-292023-11-091982-06 concentra tions of immunoglobulins I G, IgA and Ig in 258 healthy Et hiopian school children and 82 heal hy adul s residing in Addi s Abeba were measured by the radial immunodiffusion t e chnique . The results a r e presented as geomet r ic mean values in mg/100 ml and a s pe rt ent of the adult mean values . A statist ical a nalysis showed that the IgG and IgA conc ent r ations a age s 8 and 7 r e spectively were lower than the adul t values . The inference drawn from t hese results is that t he IgG and IgA l evels do not reach the adult l e v e l un til a fter the age of 8 and 7 respe ctive l y . I n cont r as t the IgM l e v e l was found t o reach the adult lev e l be fore the age of 7. No truly significant diffe rences were obse rved in immunoglobulin levels which could be a t t ributed to s ex, intestinal pa r a sitic infec tion or soc io-economi c st at us . The mean v alue s for IgG and IgM obta ined from this study were found to be h i gher than the r e fer enc e v a lues being us ed in the country a t t he moment . I t is t hus sugge st ed that mean immunoglobulin conc e n tr ation val ue s obt ained from this study be used a s r e f e r ence v a lue s until furth e r study i s made and more r e fin ed refe r ence va l ues are set .enSerum Immunoglobulin LevelsSerum Immunoglobulin Levels In Healthy Ethiopian School ChildrenThesis