Solomon Kiros (PhD)Eftu Tesfaye2024-04-252024-04-252023-02 goal of this study was to investigate the production of nutritional fruit leather using haricot bean and orange fleshed sweet potato flours to partially substitute papaya pulp. The study examined β-Carotene content, functional property, anti-nutrient composition, and physicochemical properties, proximate composition of the raw materials and composite pulps, additional to this mineral and microbiological analysis, texture and color analysis, and finally sensory characteristics of the fruit leather were analyzed using standard methods. The formulation for composite flour was developed using a D-optimal mixture design ratio applying Design-Expert®, version 13. Accordingly, 11 composite pulp samples were developed (R1, R2……. R16) and the data analyzed using mini-tab software, the result was evaluated by used one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and test of significant (p<0.05).The composite puree samples are significantly different each other at (p<0.05) with increasing haricot bean and orange fleshed sweet potato flour ratios on papaya puree. the optimum fruit leather at run(sample) 11 was made with 60.02% papaya pulp, 19.98% haricot bean, and 20.00% orange-fleshed sweet potato flour showed significantly higher values of β-carotene (746 μg/g), protein (12.05%), fiber (5.32%), and fat (4.09%), and a moisture content (15%) than the control fruit leather(100%papaya pulp),Moreover the texture analysis result of the fruit leather indicated that the hardness, chewiness, and fracturability decreased with the increased amount of haricot bean and orange-fleshed sweet potato flours. The mineral contents of the fruit leathers ranged from Ca 5.37 to 21.49, Mg 11.49 to 22.49, Na 7.88 to 24.20, K 29 to 24.50 mg, Fe 0.13 to 1.72 (mg/100 kg), and Cu, Mn, and Zn were also detected in the zero range In terms of all the sensory parameters except taste and mouth-feel, the optimum fruit leather showed significantly higher scores than the control fruit leather. Generally the results showed that the supplementing of haricot bean and orange fleshed sweet potato flour to papaya puree improved the nutritional quality of the fruit leather.en-USbean and orange fleshed sweet potato floursfruit leatherβ-caroteneDevelopment and Characterization of Papaya Based Fruit Leather Supplemented with Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato and Haricoat Bean FlourThesis