Yitayew, Abebe (Asst. Professor)Mekuriaw, Meron2021-06-282023-11-042021-06-282023-11-042008-01http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/26994This paper entitled "Loan Provision, Degree of Collect ability and Reason for Defaulter in case of WISE Saving and Credit Cooperatives Union for Women" examined the loan Provision, collection procedures as well as the default rate of this SAC. Today a number of saving and Credit Cooperatives (Sacs) are established to give a Saving and loan service to clients and much emphasis is given for those women who . WISE's major clients are women who would have an impact on Changing their own life as well as their females. The study attempted to identify and Assess the loan provision criteria '.I', collection procedures, the reason f or defaulter, the Impact of interest on the cooperatives and clients, and last but not the least the benefits and challenges of the SAC under WISE.enDegreeReasonLoan Provision, Degree of Collectability and Reason for Default: A Case Study in WISE Saving and Credit Cooperatives Union for Women.Thesis