Dr. Gezahegn Mamo, Dr. Fassil AkliluDemeke, Sibhatu2019-12-192023-11-302019-12-192023-11-302019-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/20446A cross sectional study of MERS CoV in camel was conducted between February 2018 to April 2019 in three selected sites of Amibara district of Afar Region, Northeast Ethiopia. The study was aimed to observe the current sero-prevalence status of MERS, assess the presence of active cases through detection RNA viral particle using RT -PCR and investigate possible risk factors for the MERS-CoV in camels. A total of 589 sera were collected and tested with indirect Enzyme linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (iELISA).The overall seroprevalance of MERS-CoV with this test was 87.3% (n=514/589, 95% CI: 84.5-89.9). Out of the total sera samples, 198 sera were retested by pseudo particle neutralization test (ppNT)at Hong Kong University (HKU). A total of 857 nasal swab samples were collected for the detection of MERS CoV RNA particle using RTPCR. Association of different risk factors with seroprevalance revealed that origin (X2=13.39, P=0.001), sex (X2=4.5 P=0.034), age ((X2=185.7, P=0.001) season (X2=41.7, P=0.000) and reproduction status (X2=96.1, P=0.001) showed a statistical significant difference for MERS CoV antibody detection among the groups (P<0.05) while herd size did not show a statistically significant difference among groups (p>0.05). In multivariable logistic regression analysis, age (OR=7.39, 95% CI:3.43-15.91), season (OR=4.83, 95% CI:-2.14-10.90), and in adult female camel reproduction status (OR=7.39, 95% CI:3.43-15.91) showed statistically significant difference among the groups for MERS CoV antibody detection while risk factors of origin, animal sex and herd size difference were statistically insignificant. Out of the total 198 sera samples tested using ppNT, 197 (99.5%; 95%CI: 98.4-100) were positive where as in indirect ELISA of 198 sera sample only 182 (91.9%; 95% CI: 88-95.7) were seropositive indicating ppNT is more sensitive than iELISA for MERS CoV antibody detection. Despite the presence of high seropositivity for MERS CoV antibody, all 857 camel nasal swabs samples tested by Real- time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique for detection MERS – CoV RNA viral particle were Negative after testing at NAHDIC and H.K.U. School Public Health laboratories .In conclusion, the present study revealed a high seroprevalance of MERS CoV in adult camels. However, in spite of high seroprevalance the lack of any RNA viral particle in the present study suggests the need for further in depth longitudinal study to detect the circulating virus focusing on juveniles and young camels whereby seroprevalance of antibody is low when compared with adult camel in order to get the active virus before the camel develop antibody. Moreover, the zoonotic significance and potential transmission routes of MERS CoV to pastoral communities should also be investigated and design strategy for the preparedness in control of the diseases in EthiopiaenAmibaraCamelCross sectionalCROSS SECTIONAL STUDY OF MIDDLE EAST RESPIRATORY SYNDROME (MERS CoV INFECTION) IN CAMELS IN SELECTED SITES OF AMIBARA DISTRICT, AFAR REGION, ETHIOPIAThesis