K.Mohapatra, SArgaw, Demeke2022-06-302023-11-192022-06-302023-11-191995-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/32185The study area, Kalu, is found in North central highland massif of Ethiopia and on the upper part of the rift valley depression. The Kalu are Amharic speaking people whom they share common boundary with Oromo, Argoba and Afar ethnic groups. The study area selected based on its location is on the main road from Addis Abeba northern Ethiopia Dessie, Mekele and the Afar depression in which the movement of people is too high. The Woreda shares common boundaries with the Argoba, Oromo and Afar Ethnic groups where ethnic interaction has its own effect in the traditional conflict management. Furthermore, most of the population in the Woreda is Muslim where the Islamic religion is believed to have its own contribution to the development of the indigenous institutions of conflict resolutions. In this regard, the Woreda is one of the centers of Islam in the country. I conducted the field work in the Woreda with an objective of examining traditional cooperation and customary conflict management mechanisms within the community. The people have age old tradition of cooperation and customary conflict management mechanisms. In the descriptive study of cooperation and customary conflict management of the Woreda and social, economic and political structure of the people is assessed. The traditional cooperation aspects reflect the mutual support and self help mechanisms while the customary conflict management institutions are the legal system mechanisms out of the court. Furthermore, the study focuses on the major mechanisms of traditional cooperation such as Debo, Azmach, Ertiban, Elf and other major institutions of cooperation. In addition, family, Shimglina and traditional mediators are adequately assessed as institutions of conflict management out of the court system. Finally, the customary conflict management mechanism among the people of Kalu is based on the public opinion, cultural consensus and religious beliefs. In other words, the conflict management mechanisms are basically interrelated with the social, economic and political conditions of the rural agricultural community. The customary conflict management mechanisms of the people of Kalu consider other conflict resolution mechanisms of the horn and Ethiopia studied by other Anthropologists.enCooperation and Conflict Management Mechanisms among the People of Kalu, North Eastern EthiopiaThesis