Ero, Debebe (PhD)Setegn, Haimanot2019-03-062023-11-042019-03-062023-11-042016-11 study was conducted with the purpose of examining the BoLSAs' rehabilitation efforts on enhancing the life of the street youth to become economically productive, eventually selfsupporting, psychologically adjusted and socially integrated. The research used a qualitative design to collect data. In line with qualitative design this study employed a descriptive approach since descriptive research is aimed at capturing the lived and told rehabilitated youth stories of the participant. The primary data was collected through conducting semi structured in-depth interviews with the BoLSA street youth project staffs and focus group discussions with the rehabilitated street youth and analyzed qualitatively by descriptive statements. The study results has indicated that because of the organizations intervention, the youth left behind the street life, involved in various small business activities or employed, have better communication with their families and the community. They have also contributed for national development by engaging in productive activities unlike their previous life and discharged their national obligation by raising money for the construction of the Renaissance Dam. On the other hand the findings of the study indicated that the rehabilitated youth have encountered various challenges. Among the mentioned economic challenges: difficulty to earn sufficient income, lack of employment opportunities with the skill incompetency, inadequacy of the start-up loan repayment grace period, the high interest rate of startup loan and lack of follow up, were identified. On the other hand community misconception and self-imposed social isolation are also their social challenges which hamper them to live life. The study findings were also evidenced that BoLSA has faced much challenges in implementing the project and took various mechanism to overcome those challenges. Finally the researcher recommend that the project should look for ways to collaborate further with professionals across the primary care, mental health, social welfare and legal sectors, as well as with colleges/universities, in order to strengthen its' capacity to provide best psychosocial and livelihood support. Key words: Street Youth, Rehabilitation, Psychosocial, Livelihood, EthiopiaenStreet YouthRehabilitationPsychosocialLivelihoodEthiopiaPromoting Socioeconomic Status of Street Youth: Assessing the Rehabilitation Efforts of Addis Ababa Bureau of Labor and Social Affairs (BoLSA)Thesis