Yimer, Mekonnen (PhD)Hailu, Asnake2021-10-152023-11-182021-10-152023-11-182001-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/28160The purpose of this study was to examine the attitude of Bahir Dar University students towards HIV/AIDS intervention strategy, in abstinence, condom use and faithfulness. 450 students constituted the sample from randomly chosen departments. A questionnaire was used to gather data and a univariate analysis of variance was employed. Gender differences are found to be significant in attitude towards abstinence (females score higher than males). But there is no age and educational level differences observed. With regard to condom use first, second, third and fourth year students were found to be different regardless of their age and gender. In this study where faithfulness was treated as a dependant variable, age and educational level differences were found to be statistically significant. Which means faithfulness, as HIV/AIDS intervention strategy seems to be a likely method for young adults and senior students. In addition to these, all-possible first order interactions between age, gender and educational level were found to be significant. Eventually, policy makers and different organizations working on HIV/AIDS need to teach abstinence as a realistic and feasible intervention strategy. In addition, social marketing agencies and concerned line ministries need to clear out all the suspicions individuals have and give the reality of condom use (both the drawback and advantages).enAttitudinal Survey on High Risk Sexual Behavior (Intervention Strategy) Relevant to Hiviaids With Respect to Gender, age and Educational Level; the Case of Bahir Dar University StudentsThesis