Kenenissa Dabi (PhD)Stephen Khor2024-11-202024-11-202024-06 goal of this research was to explore the factors that influence instructional supervision in Wanthoa Woreda's primary schools. A Descriptive survey design was used to explore the actual facts and practices in the current situation and to make potential solutions. The survey included 98 out of 130 teachers and four directors. Simple random sampling was used to pick teachers from four of the eleven schools. While directors were chosen through selective sampling in those four schools. Thus, 102 respondents completed and returned the surveys. To ensure dependability, data were obtained by a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. Quantitative data gathered via closed-ended surveys were analayzed using frequency and percentages. The data gained through open-ended interviews and document analysis were subjectively examined to supplement the quantitative data obtained. In addition, the key issues noted are a lack of necessary training, a lack of transparent communication between supervisors and teachers, a lack of supervisory rules, and supervisors who are overburdened with classroom activities and administrative tasks. Based on the findings, it is recommended that classroom observations be undertaken, an open discussion between supervisors and teachers about practice and supervision options be held, supervisor and teacher training be provided, and clear instructions on instructional supervision be written. Keywords: Influences, Instructional supervision, Primary schools,.enInfluencesInstructional supervisionPrimary schoolsFactors Affecting Instructional Supervision in the Primary Schools of Wathoa Woreda, Gambella People National Regional StateThesis