Alemu, Demiss(PhD)Meleta, Tadesse2018-07-112023-11-042018-07-112023-11-042016-12 and lubricant to attain the optimum operating temperature without delay in an industry using diesel engine to drive emergency electric generator in attaining its rated power capacity for one of the diesel engine driven emergency electric generator installed for Mugher Cement Factory. The result will serve for avoiding the cement production equipment of the rotary kiln and related drive systems from thermal gradient deformation immediately after unexpected main grid failure. In order to improve the circulating coolant temperature and the pre-heating time requirement, electric heater has been installed. To measure the improvement of engine efficiency during starting up period after main grid failure, temperature data are collected from the generator set controller and measuring instruments both before and after installation of electric heater. These data have been collected when this experiment was made on site in Mugher Cement Factory. The data contain readings of temperatures [°C] obtained from measuring instruments and installed controller. The analysis of the system has been done by using controller performance display readings and performance measuring instruments. Besides, temperature reading data has been analyzed by using some statistical methods, particularly to investigate the improvements achieved or the severity of the existing problem. From the performance improvements, the results computed from observed data as well as from test instruments, the generator set shows that its performance has been clearly improved by using heater to heat the coolant. Besides these, it can be deduced, even if not tested, that coupling of the solar thermal technology can further improve its performance. Based on these preliminary results, a solar water heater of 100 litre capacity, with provision of auxiliary electrical heater in addition to solar heater, in comparison with the cases of electrical heater, is designed in detail to be locally fabricated and installed for the case of Mugher Cement Factory. Generally, selecting and adopting proper solar water heating technology for the circulating coolant of emergency electric generator drive diesel engine has improved preheating time in attaining engines thermostat opening temperature in a lesser time to avoid the rotary kiln and related drive-driven systems thermal gradient deformation immediately after the main grid failure of a cement industry. This is an indication of the applicability of the result of this thesis. xvii The output of the research shall contribute reliability for industry’s production processing equipment, especially the key equipment that operate at high process temperature, by avoiding rapid cooling that causes the thermal gradient deformation and leads to complete equipment damage and consequently loss of production, revenue and employee lay off due to inefficiency of the engine. The finding of this research can be used as the potential of making the diesel engine driven electric generator that enable to attain its full load immediately by adopting similar technologies for institutions that require immediate back up. Furthermore, it creates an opportunity in looking at heating water by harnessing energy from the sun for industrial and commercial firms in order to overcome the rising of oil prices as well as utilization of environmental-friendly alternative sources of energy, specifically renewable energy technologies and promoting green energy technology. Key words: Engine coolant, heating time, delay time, heater, emergency generator, kiln, cooler, solar radiation, solar collector.enEngine coolanHeating timeDelay timeHeateremergency generatorkilnCoolerSolar radiationSolar collectorDesign of Coolant Heater For An Emergency ELECTRIC Generator Drive Diesel Engine By Solar Energy For A Cement IndustryThesis