Korme, Tesfaye (PhD)Baychiken, Belete2019-04-112023-11-042019-04-112023-11-045/3/2018http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/17853Geospatial Approach for Groundwater Recharge Estimation Using WetSpass Model: A Case Study of Chemoga Watershed, Ethiopia. Belete Baychiken, Msc. Thesis Addis Ababa University, May 2018 Groundwater recharge estimation is of critical importance for groundwater resources evaluation and management. There are several methods for water balance evaluation. Among which, WetSpass model is one, that has the ability to simulate spatially distributed recharges, surface runoff, and evapotranspiration for annually and seasonally averaged conditions. The spatial-temporal characteristics of the model allow distributed quantification of water balance components by preparing inputs in the form of digital maps using remote sensing, GIS tools, FAO databases, field reconnaissance and processing of meteorological and hydrological observations, that aimed at estimation of the annual and seasonal groundwater recharge, surface runoff and evapotranspiration amount in Chemoga watershed using WetSpass modeling method. Long-term hydrometeorological data and physical characteristics of the watershed such as land use/land cover, soil type, topography, groundwater level and slope are used as an input to the model. The long-term average annual rainfall of 1408.3 mm was distributed as 447 mm (31.8%) of surface runoff, 844.98 mm (60%) of actual evapotranspiration, and 116.3 mm (8.2%) of recharge, this recharge corresponds to 42,333,200 m3. Analysis of the simulated results tells that WetSpass works well to simulate the components of the hydrological balance for the Chemoga watershed.enChemoga WatershedGeospatialGroundwater RechargeWater BalanceWetspass ModelGeospatial Approach for Groundwater Recharge Estimation Using Wetspass Model: A Case Study of Chemoga Watershed, EthiopiaThesis