Afework, Fisseha (Assistant Professor)Girma, Biruktayit2021-06-022023-11-042021-06-022023-11-042015-07 study was designed to understand the relationship of leadership behavior and job satisfaction, and to know the position of leadership behavior on affecting job satisfaction, when it is compared with selected other variables i.e reward scheme, working condition and carrier development opportunity. The Organization selected to conduct the study is Ethiopian airlines enterprise. The airline’s employees perceived satisfaction by the above four selected variables is also assessed on the way of addressing the research objective. Data were collected through questionnaire prepared based on various scholars work. The validity of the instrument was checked by scholars on the field. Besides, internal consistency of the instrument was measured using Cronbach Alpha and the result was 86%. In addition to the questioner, two concerned management staffs were interviewed so as to know the managements view regarding variables under study. There are 6350 non management employees working in Addis Ababa city. 364 questionnaires were distributed to the sample respondents who are located in Addis Ababa. Of the total distributed questionnaires 277 usable questionnaires were returned, which is about 76% response rate. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were utilized to analyze the data. Interpretation is made on the mean, frequency, and percentage of the data. Among the four selected leadership behaviors, the tendency to being participatory, achievement oriented and relation oriented leader increases the job satisfaction of employees and, Working condition found to be the first variable affecting job satisfaction. On the other hand, the higher management believes that the employees in the air line are highly satisfied with their job while they actually are not. The results indicate that the management should work on leadership, reward, working condition and carrier development programs of the enterpriseen-USLeadership behaviorJob SatisfactionReward schemeThe Relationship between Leadership Behavior and Employees job satisfaction as perceived by Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise EmployeesThesis