Fereja, Temesgen (PhD)Deme, Lalisa2018-10-192023-11-102018-10-192023-11-102010-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/12980The main Purpose of this thesis is to assess the current status of Non forma Adult Education (NFAE) practice Ambo Wereda. Descriptive survey method was used. Quantitative approach supported by qualitative approach were employed. In-depth questions and discussions emphasis on the context of the program, situation of participants and line implementers/ extension workers were employed to support the quantitative one Stratified random sampling followed by simple random and purposive sampling techniques were employed accordingly The sample sIZe were SIX Kebele peasant association(KPA). Instrument of data collection were questionnaires, semis tructu red interview questions, FGD, document review and observation with check lists. The data were analyzed by percentage. The major findings were that Woreda education office deliver no NFAE program at all, lack of follow up of the implementation process, both health and agriculture office fully staffed the extension workers for each KPA, management activity is poor ill. both health and agriculture offices but more sever in agricultures and community participation is very less. The major challenging problems of program implementation were lack of follow up, monitoring and evaluation, participants lack of awareness and motivation and leaders of NFAE program lack commitment. Consequently, the study has came to the main conclusion that currently in the study area the NFAE program did not get due attention practically but only theoretically. Finally, the recommendations were forwarded based on the major findings.enCurrent practice of none formal Adult EducationAssessment of the Current practice of none formal Adult Education in Ambo WeredaThesis