Zekaria, Adil (PhD)Gezahegn, Addisu2018-07-092023-11-182018-07-092023-11-182010-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/7199In the advancement of digital computer it is becoming common to model a certain system to get a deep insight of the existing conditions. In this thesis Kirchoff's thin plate theory is considered to study static behaviour of a plate. Based on the assumption of the theory a finite element computer program is developed in FORTRAN using a linear triangular element. This thesis is mainly concerned in validating the numerical result obtained from the computer program. Hence the result is compared with analytical solution and with a general finite element program called Ansyis for a specific problem. Finally, recommendation is made on the selection of finiteelement meshes for future analysesenComputational ScienceNumerical Modelling of Thin Plates using the Finite Element MethodThesis