Roy, R.N. (PhD)Arefaine, Fessehatsion2018-07-042023-11-182018-07-042023-11-182002-06 creation of the computer and the advancement in communication systems has led to the emergence of a new era called the information age. In the new era information is rapidly becoming the world's most valuable resources. The central part of the information technology (IT) is nothing but the computer. Due to its paramount importance the personal computer (PC) has become a part of day-to-day existence of people all over the world. As a result, the computer industry today is a trillion-dollar market. In order to narrow down the gap between the developed and developing nations, countries like Ethiopia should work hard to improve the level of their information and communication technology (ICT). These days it is realized that ICT is a proven tool that one must be equipped with in the fight against poverty and in the effort to secure sustainable economic development. ICT may be composed of four elements: computer hardware, software, communication equipment and know-how. The availability of PCs at cheaper prices and preferred designs would obviously enhance the development of ICT. It is seen that the demand for PCs in Ethiopia is increasing from time to time. But, the supply so far is from imports, with an expenditure of considerable sum of hard currency. In this regard, this thesis research attempts to analyze the feasibility of building a PC assembly plant in Ethiopia applying modern project management techniques. The research applies the method of trend analysis as well as market-buildup methods to estimate the xii present and future demand of PCs in Ethiopia. Make or buy decision analysis is carried out to indicate which components to make in-house and which ones to import form outside sources. The technology, organization and implementation plans are studied at the required depth. Finally, the financial viability of the project is analyzed with the help of appropriate software.enMechanical EngineeringProject Management Approach to The Establishment of Computer Assembly Plant in EthiopiaThesis