Workineh, Tilahun (PhD)K/Mariam, Girmay2018-08-082023-11-052018-08-082023-11-051992-06 abjective of this. study was to investigate the effectiveness of organizational communication taking place between the school principals and the two groups of subordinates - the academic and administrative staft members. The data was collected from 28 principals, administrative s~affeo members, and 310 teachers selected 12 senior secondary achools of Ethiopia by systematic: sampling method. Two schoolS were picked by lottery (simple random. sampling method) from each zone in the country. types of uestionnairea Two were employed to collect th necessary data from the principals and their subordinates. The study revealed that principals do not have a thorough understanding of the general principles of organizational communication and they have not applied them in their schools • . Because of this and other reasons, staff member a seem to lack the courage and interest to transmit the-ir suggestions, comments, etc. upwards. Although the flow of messages is primarily downward that even not , ' look to be effective. Generally, it appea~sdoes tha.t there is no conducive climate for communication and this; has m the networks; faulty and not able to facilitate school work. It is believed that these problems can be alleviated by organizing worksAops and training programs to acquaint prinoipals witA the basic prinoiples of communication 80 tha,t thel oen 1.Jlprove cOJ1Ullu.nication ill the .s chools.enComunication Problemain Government Seniob SecondabyCommunication Problems in Government Senior Secondary Schools of EthiopiaThesis