Abuna, Fufa(Dr.Alemu, Biruk2022-06-012023-11-082022-06-012023-11-082014-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/31851A cross-sectional study design was employed between November 2013 and April 20i.f. to determine antibody/immunity level of vaccinated sheep and goats at herd level. to determine the sero-prevalence and risk factors of PPR in non-vaccinated areas and to invest igate incidence and recent eirculat ion of P P R virus in field samples collectedfi-om small ruminants of eastern Amhara region bordering Afar, Ethiopia. A total of 969 serum samples were collected from sheep and goats in the study districts. Muftistage sampling. with four hierarchical stages. was used as sampling strategy. Peason/ Associotio17 /villages and individual animal were selected by random sampling. A tOlalof 32 samples, comprising 18 swab samples and 1.f. heparinized whole blood samples were collectedfrom the suspected animals for the presence of PPR viral antigen. 28 samples were examinedfor the presence of PPRV RNA by one step RT-PCR assays. Anti-mortem samples were collected from active cases with the aim of virus isolation. in additiol1./iI'e yeors retrospecti1'e data 011 PPR outbreak ~ras used in the present stud),. Questionnaire survey was also conducted to assess the association of seroprevalence of PPR and possible risk factors. Proportions were calculated for seroprevalence visa-vis fixed faclors that included animal species, sex and age, districts and village. Univariable analysis for the proportions was carried out using Chi-square analysis in £pi 1nfo software. A confidence limit of less than 5% was used to indicate a significant level. All variables with P < 0.05 (two-sided) in the univariable analysis were further tested by multivariable logistic regression model to assess their effect on PPR seropositivityenPPRV, small ruminants, riskfactors, herd immunity, Eastern AmharaEpidemiology and Identification of Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PPR) Virus Circulating in Small Ruminants of Eastern Amhara Region Bordering Afar, EthiopiaThesis