G/Michael, Yohannes (PhD)Ali, Hassen2018-07-022023-11-192018-07-022023-11-192017-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/5460This study was conducted in Aysaita woreda, Afar Regional State of Ethiopia with the objective assessing pastoralists ad agro pastoralists vulnerability to climate change and adaptation response in Aysaita woreda. The study was conducted in two rural kebeles of Galifage and Barga kebele. purposive sampling was used to select the study area and stratified sampling were also used by categorizing agro ecology and wealth status group. After strata simple random sampling was used to select 153 respondents in the study areas. In addition, 1 FGD in each kebele were made which have 7 members in the group comprising the elderly people men and women, rich people men and women, medium people men and women, poor men and women, model farmers and adult. The data were collected from primary data were selected from interview, FGD, observation, while secondary data were selected from project report and information at woreda level The key informant interview with resourceful 50 farmers and 4 development agent persons were conducted. The key informant interview included experienced people and community elders, including men and women also included woreda experts and kebele leaders. Suitable word and descriptive statistics were employed to analyze the data. The result shows according to participant in the study area most of pastoral and agro pastoralist community perceived as temperature increased and decreased rainfall in their locality. The pastoralist in the study area is vulnerable and the cause of vulnerability in the study area like; drought, flood, shortage of water, governmental intervention. And this has led pastoralist to adverse impacts on the study area like: human and livestock loss, prosopis juliflora, deforestation, environmental degradation and famine, migration were the major impact in the study areas. Different local adaptation and coping mechanism like; mobility, fodder management, diversifying livestock and crops, selling of fuel wood and charcoal, change meal size, sharing risk, polygamy marriage, Handicrafts activities were used. hinders to do not make them their coping mechanism thus; limited access, lack of agricultural input support from GOs and NGOs, limited access and poverty are the major hinder in the study area. Based on the findings the following recommendations are forwarded: developing farmers’ awareness on how to managed their natural resources, introduce agricultural technologies & inputs, facilitating access to credit services, diversifying source of income, set backing of prosopis juliflora expansion, empowering women, controlling of Awash river. Key word: Climate Change, Vulnerability, Impact, Adaptation, Coping strategiesenClimate ChangeVulnerabilityImpactAdaptationCoping StrategiesPastoralists and Agro-Pastoralists Vulnerability to Climate change and Adaptation Response: The Case of Aysaita Woreda, Afar Regional State, Northern EthiopiaThesis