Edessa, Dribssa (PhD)Melkamu, Ibsa2018-07-112023-11-042018-07-112023-11-042012-02http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/7809Water is the primary source of life for mankind and one of the most basic necessities for rural development. The rural demand for water for crop irrigation and domestic water supplies is increasing. At the same time, rainfall is decreasing in many arid countries, so surface water is becoming scarce. Groundwater seems to be the only alternative to this dilemma, but the groundwater table is also decreasing, which makes traditional hand pumping and bucketing difficult. As these trends continue, mechanized water pumping will become the only reliable alternative for lifting water from the ground. Diesel, gasoline, and kerosene pumps have traditionally been used to pump water. However, the non-renewable energy is on the way of depleting from the world and due to this cost of the oils are increasing from time to time, in addition to these the exhausting gases from them is polluting the environment. So due to the cost of the oils, the developing country such as Ethiopia may not able to buy to generate water from the ground for the people and livestock. Since our country is reach in renewable energy, it is the must to replace for generation of power to the renewable one such as solar energy, wind energy, and others. Currently, hybrids of PV and wind with or without backup generators are more promising for supplying uninterrupted power because they work independently of each other. Such systems do not require each component to be oversized. For the Semento kebele, Liban woreda, which has the problem of drinking water for the people and livestock the solar-wind hybrid system with the specification 270kw PV, 11BWC Excel-s, 110kw inverter, Total net present cost (NPC) $1,305,958, levelized cost of energy (COE) $0.458/kwh, and operating cost $47,179/yr is selected after optimizing by using the HOMER software. The demand of water for the site is 2200m3/d and this is easily fulfilled by installing two systems for the kebele. From the installed hybrid system there is excess electrical power which is used for the lighting purpose by using battery and there is also excess water which we use it for the irrigation purpose. So even if our aim is to solve the problem of drinking water there is also problems that are solved with the system.enCurrentlyHybridsApplication of Solar-Wind Hybrid for Water Lifting (in Borena Zone, Oromia Region)Thesis