Asssefa, Getaneh (PhD)Lakew, Tesfaye2022-01-312023-11-182022-01-312023-11-181980-07 raw mater i als used in the manu f acture of P ortland cement were s tudied in the Wayu locality (New Mughe r). The study showed th. t there is lime s tone of a good quality in large aMount which justifies exploitation. The c l ay ~ate ri a l studied was fou nd ou t t o be de f icient in silica and neens a si l ica modulus correc t or . Conse quently , a sandstone body which is found b e neath the basalt was investi~ated and the investigation showed that there is enough san stone tha t can be used as a cor r ector . The study of the gyps um deposi t also revealed that sufficient amount of gypsum e x ists . A conclusion was reached to the effect that the installation of a cement p l ant is justifiedoenGeologyEvaluation of Cement Raw Materials in Wayou ( New Mugher ) AreaThesis