Yimam, Melaku(Ato)Gezahegn, Habtamu2018-07-172023-11-102018-07-172023-11-102005-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/8949The main pwpose of this study was to examine teachers' perception of and attitude towards the current TPA .~yslem in government TTCs ofAmhura region, and jiJr\lIard pussible slIggestions/or Lhe improvement of the current TPA system in those colleges. The areas of concern believed to be relevant to examine the perception of teachers towards the current result-oriented TPA system were: the purposes ofTPA, teachers' performance appraisal criLeria, teachers' participation in the formulation of TPA criteria, performance appraisal feedback, competence and objectivity of the appraisers and the process of the current TPA. To this end, a descriptive survey research method was employed. All the three government teacher training colleges of Amhara region were included in the study; namely: Gondar teacher training college, Desse teacher training college, and Debrebirhan teacher training college. The subjects of this study were 153 teachers, 18 department heads, and 3 deans. Questionnaire, interview, and relevant documents were used for the purpose of collecting data. Among the findings, the major ones include: • Teachers did not participated in the formulation of/he current TPA criteria. • Those who were engaged in appraising teachers (deans, department heads, and students) had no adequate training regarding TPA . • The process of the result oriented TP A involves establishment objectives, development of action plans, evaluation of performance and provision of feedback; which is the joint activity of the appraiser and the appraiser. However, this process was not properly followed by the colleges and teachers were forced to prepare action plans from the objectives already established by the upper body (REB). • The performance appraisal feedback system was perceived to be characterized by criticism, lack 0.( r.ewards, and delay in givingfeedback to teachers. • There were no adequate pre and posL appraisal discussions between teachers and appraisers. The following are some of the recommendations: • The REB need to leave the criteria open to teachers for discussion before implementing them or let the teachers and the other college members formulate these criteria and get approval of the REB. • The college deans, in collaboration with the Rl:-B, need to arrange training progJ'{{n1S for appraisers. In additiun, the REB assign graduates of EDPJv1 or at least those who have knowledge ofTPA to run the in •tilutions. • The colleges need to arrange programs in which beller pel/orming teachers are rewarded and experiences are shared among the teacher'. The feedback system also need to focus on praising and encouraging teaciJers. Further, teachers should be given their performance feedbacks on time so that they can appeal against them in case they have complaintsenEducationInstructors' Perception of Performance Appraisal In Government Teacher Training Colleges of Amhara RegionThesis