Dr.Murugan, Rajalakshmi(PHD, Assistant professor)Mulugeta, Feven(BSc, MSc)Woldesenbet, Rediet2021-11-252023-11-062021-11-252023-11-062021-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/28953Background:Children with congenital heart disease are at risk for poor growth and undernutrition compared with healthy children.Inadequate energy intake, high energy requirement or both ofthese reasonsare thought to be the reason for malnourishment of children with congenital heart disease.Objectives:This studyaimedtoassess the nutritional status of children with congenital heart disease and associated factors in selected governmental hospitalsandcardiac center Addis Ababa,Ethiopia 2021Method:Institutional based cross sectional studywasconducted fromFeb. to Mar.2021among395Childrenunder15yearsold agediagnosed with CHD.Data wascollectedwithstructured questionnaireand chart review. Anthropometric measurementwasmeasured and medical history of the child wastaken from patient medical card.Datawascoded and entered to EPI data version 4.6andWHO Anthro Plus version 1.0.4 toolandexported toSPSS version 25 foranalyses.Multivariable regressionmodel was developed after p value of<0.25 in the binary logistic analysis then after p value< 0.05 was taken as significant.Result:Out of 395 samples373 childrenwereparticipated witha response rate of 94.4%.The prevalence ofwasting and stunting among the study participants was144(38.6%)and 134(35.9%) respectively.The prevalenceof underweightinchildrenunder 10years and was 143(43.1%). Children in the age group of13months -5yearswere 56.6% and64%less likely to bewasted andunderweightcompared to children age 0-12months [AOR=0.434, 95%CI :( 0.231, 0.816)] nd[AOR=0.360, 95%CI :( 0.183, 0.711)]. Compareddiagnosed withPAH childrenwere1.885 times more likely to be underweight[AOR=1.885, 95%CI :(1.094,3.246)]. When the hemoglobin level increases byevery unit perg/dl the chance to be wasting and underweightdecreases by 13.1%and 18.6%[AOR=0.869, 95%CI :( 0.792, 0.955)]and [AOR=0.869, 95%CI :( 0.792, 0.955)] respectively.And also when SPO2 increases by 1% the chance ofbeing malnourished decreases by3%and 6.4%[AOR=0.970, 95%CI :( 0.943, 0.998)] and [AOR=0.970, 95%CI :( 0.943, 0.998)]respectivelyfor stunting and underweight.Conclusion and Recommendation:The prevalence of malnutrition in children with CHD is pretty high. The responsible bodies should act on the accessibility of early treatment; work inmultidisciplinary way to prevent malnutrition and its consequences.en-USAnthropometry,Children,Congenital Heart Disease,Nutritional StatusNutritional Status and Associated Factors among Children with Congenital Heart Disease in Selected Governmental Hospitals and Cardiac Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia,2021.Thesis