Alemayehu, Tebebe (Ato)Seid, Ahmed2020-10-212023-12-052020-10-212023-12-052008-06 main objectives of this study were to investigate EFL teacher perception of the CPD pogramme and the practices of the CPD facets in actual classroom. The research participants were English language teachers in second cycle primary sch ools (Grade 7-8) attending the CPD programme, a professional development programme for all teachers . Questionnaire, interview, classroom observation and document analysis were mainly used as da ta collection instruments. Sixty-two teach ers responded to the questionnaire, ten teachers were interviewed, thirty -two classrooms lesson were observed, sixteen lesson plans and mark lists, eight por tfolios and action research document were analyzed. The questionnaire and classroom observations data were analyzed usmg descriptive statistic, while the other data were analyzed qualitatively and presented using a n a rrative process. The results indicated that EFL teachers had fairly good perceptions about CPD programme. Their perceptions about teacher development were altered and their knowledge increased despite the variations according to age, experience and qualification. On the other hand, EFL teacher had dissatisfaction with course content and orga nization and delivery vs good perceptions about CPD. There was also a discrepancy between their espoused beliefs about the practice of CPD facets and their actual practices. It was concluded th a t EFL teachers perceptions were altered, and their knowledge increased, however, increased in knowledge did not lead to change in their classroom practice.en-USEnglish language teachers in second cycle primary sch oolsEFL Teachers' Practice of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programme / Witfi Specia( 1?§ference to Some Serected Secane( Cyere Primary Scfioors in (j)essie/Thesis