Beyene, Zenebe (PhDBerhanu, Wendwesun2018-07-042023-11-082018-07-042023-11-082016-01 study aimed at examining mobile phone usage for media-related purpose among Addis Ababa University Regular Undergraduate Students. The study was situated within the theoretical framework of Uses and Gratifications Approach and Dependency Theory. It employed both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the qualitative method focus group discussion and semi-structured interviews were conducted. These techniques were employed to investigate students, journalists, and key informants’ experiences and their opinions towards using mobile phone to access information and express opinions. For quantitative method, survey was used as a data gathering tool. The survey questionnaire was administered to 205 people selected through snowball sampling methods to capture students’ experiences in using mobile phones. Descriptive statistics was employed to analyze the quantitative data. The analysis of the data reveals that mobile phones have become main means of accessing information and expressing opinions among young adults. The traditional main stream media such as Sheger Radio reaches to its public through various ways of news delivery to fulfill the uses and gratifications of its audiences. There are also efforts to provide content available for mobile applications. This being the case, however; mobile phone is facing challenges like little attention by concerned bodies, lack of skilled man power, network problem and unethical activities via mobile phone users.enMobile CommunicationUse of Mobile Communication to Access Information and Express Opinion In Sheger 102.1 FM Radio Station: The Case of AAU StudentsThesis