Leka, Wanna (PhD)Sulito, Solomon2018-07-042023-11-102018-07-042023-11-102012-09http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/6232The expansion of TVET program is relatively a recent phenomenon that has been assumed to be the way of reducing poverty from this country. In order to attain this goal, nationwide attempts have been done at all levels of the training programs. This in turn needs to be supported by qualified human force and adequate resources. Therefore, this study focuses on assessing “Factors affecting quality of middle level TVET program” with reference to Hossana & Wolkite polytechnic colleges. To this end, the study employed a descriptive survey method. The primary and secondary data were collected from different sources using questionnaire, interview, observations and focus group discussions while availability, purposive, simple random, and snowball sampling techniques were employed according to their convenience. 330 trainees, 22 instructors, 12 college officers, 6 regional TVET bureau officials, 20 recently graduated youngsters from Level 3 and level 4, and 10 CTPOs supervisors were involved as a sample population. Data were tallied & tabulated using Likert scale type and it was analyzed and presented using descriptive statements. Moreover, percentages were mainly used to explain and analyze responses. As it was found out, adequacy & availability level of machines and equipments, safety rules and workshop documents, training modules and text books are said to be medium and less than that while Adequacy level of human & financial resources are found to be low and very low accordingly. Quality & Practicality level of academic issues are found to be medium while effectiveness of cooperative training, labor market, and gap assessment systems are found to be medium. Feasibility of the training program is quite medium while sector based labor market assessment system is found to be relevant. Level of periodic activities and interventions are found to be medium while the level of concern and participations of the front-liners is found to be slightly high. Even though students’ interest was rated at high level probably because of the eagerness or curiosity of getting (generating) income for themselves, their drop-out & disciplinary problems are found to be high. It was also found out that trainees join TVET colleges/institutions without sufficient information regarding the nature and employment opportunities attached to different fields of training in addition to narrow room given to their interest, talents and abilities during placement. Even though the instructors tend to disclose emphatic interest restoration because of the salary promotion announced by the government, degree of their turn-over is found to be high & many of them are still giving training to middle level (L-3 & L-4) out of their qualifications. On the other hand, competence of the trainees’ as well as the instructors is found to be satisfactory & above that accordingly. Lack of willingness in the part of the CTPOs, Insufficient resources that they had, and weak mechanisms to follow-up the trainee during the training programs are found to be the major problems of cooperative training programs while participation of stakeholders & partners, is found to be below satisfactory. Finally, on the basis of the findings, clear conclusions & recommendations were made as far as quality of middle level TVET program is concernedenEducationFactors Affecting Quality Of Middle Level Technical And Vocational Education and Training Program The Case of Hossana & Wolkite Polytechnic CollegesThesis