Gedebou, Messele (PhD)Ashenafi, Mogessie2018-07-062023-11-092018-07-062023-11-091983-05 strains of Shigella and forty-five strains of aslwoel Salmonella Here isola ted from 1000 adult dip,rrho eal ou t-pa tien ts from three hospitals and three clinics in Addis Ababa. No .Yersinia enteroco1i tica "as isolated. Out of the ninety Shigella strains, 57 (63. 3~b) Here Sh. flexneri, 17 ( 1 8 • 970) Sh. dysen teriae, 9 ( 10%) §!! .poydii and 7(7.8%) §!!.sonnei, And among the forty-five Salmonella strains, 17(37.8%) belonged to Group C, 13(28.9?b) Here Group B strains, 9(20%) Here §.typhi,4(8.9) belonged to Group D other than §..,!;yphi and Groups A and E had ono isolate each(2.2%). The standardized agar disk diffusion technique ",as used Hith dislcs of ampicillin, carbenicillin, chloramphenicol, cepha10thiri, gentamicin, kanamycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin, sulphadiazine, tetracycline, and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole, All Shigella strains Hore sensitive to oepha10thin(95.6%), gGntamioin(100%), kanamycin(100%) , polymyxin B(100%)and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (1 007~). Sensi ti vi ty to ampicillin (47.7%), carbenicillin(50%), streptomycin(36 • 7%), sulphadiazine (34.4?G) and tetracycline(31.1?b) Has very 10'", Only 15 strains Here sensitive to all 11 drugo. Ninety-threo percent of Sh.flexner=h,70.6% of §!!.dysenteriae, 44.45'0 of §h.boydii and 71.45'0 of §!!.sonnei Here resistant one or more drugs. About 82% of all Shigella strains Here resistant to one or more drugs. J>!ulti;ole drug-resistance Has detected in 82.4% of Sh.flexneri, 70.65'0 of Sh.Qysenteriae, 33.3% of §1a.boydii and 57.1% of §!!.sonnei. About 74')b of Shigella strains "lere multiply resistant, Eighteen different resistance patterns were detected, of which 26,7% ",ere simultaneously resistant to ampicillin, carbenicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulpha•diazine, and tetracycline. This pattern ",as the commonest in §h. flexneri (31 %) and Sh.dysenteriae (2910). All Salmonella strains "ere sensitive to gentamicin, polymyxin Band trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole. All strains of GroupsA,E and §..typhi ",ere sensitive to all drugs. A total of 31 strains (68.9%)",ere sensitive to all drugs. Over 85% of Group B strains ",ere sensitive to all drugs. Group C strains ",ere the least sensitive. Ampicillin, 'C' , . carbenioillin, cephalothin, chlorampheniool, streptomyoin, sulphadiazine and tetracycline ",ere mostly'f"Go't':lV<, against these strains, while only 53% ot' them were sensitive to Ka,amycin, About 1590 of Group B, 64,7% ot' Group C, and 25% of Group D strains were resistant to one or more drugs. The most frequent ",as resistance to eight drugs(17,8%). Of the 45 Salmonella strains, 26,7% were multiply-resistant. In all, seven different resistance patterns ",ere noted. T!le commonest pattern "as seen in 47% of Group C strains:ampioillin/oarbenioillin/ ohlorampheniool/kanamyoin/streptomyoin/sulphadiazine/tetraoycline. The findings in this study ",ere compared ",ith reports from Ethiopia and elsewhere. Based on this study and other reports from Ethiopia, it is reoommended that the aetiology of diarrhoea in all ages be determined, regional reference laboratories be established, the publio be educated on personal hygiene and environmental sanitation, ohemotherapy against diarrhoeal diseases be disoouraged and strj.ot antibiotic policy be iasti tuted in hospitals and nationally.enBiologyThe Prevallence of Salhonella,Shigellfl and Yersinia Enterocolitica in Adult Diarhoea,L Out-Patients in Sone Hospitals ofAddis AbabaThesis