Zerom, Kiflemariam2018-07-112023-11-092018-07-112023-11-091988-06 purpose of this study is t o evaluate the effectiveness of the Addis Ababa Sophomore English course in enhancing the students' acquisition and u se of discourse markers in writing. For the purpose of this study the Sophomore students of the Department of Economic s were selected as a representative sample of all the Sophomore s tudents in Addis Ababa University. A pretest was administered t o these students at the beginning of the course to dete rmine the level of the students' knowledge and skill at using discourse markers in writing. At the end of the Sophomore English course, which l asted for a p eriod of about four months, a posttest was administered to the s ame group that took the pr etest to determine the progress and the leve l t hat the students we r e able to achieve at the end of the course. The scores of the two tests were analyzed and the results were compared as were items within each te st. The analysis showed that the mean score of the posttes t was considerably greater than that of the pretest . It a l so showed up differences in performance in the use of different types of discourse marking . Thus it was concluded tha t the Addis Ababa University Sophomore English course was successful in helping the s tudents t o learn the use of discourse markers in writing.enwriting at sophomore levelAcquisition and Use of Discourse Mrkers in student writing at sophomore levelThesis