Kahssay, Girmay (PhD)Gebreamlak, Yirgalem2018-07-052023-11-112018-07-052023-11-112016-03http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/6569Over the last few years, building demolition projects had been increasing throughout the inner city of Addis Ababa toward achieving new developments. However, the demolition execution was done through non-professionals without proper work procedures and awareness‟s. As a result risks associated with the demolition and environmental issues have become a matter of concern. This research is aimed at assessing the extent of demolition as well as investigating demolition techniques, awareness of parties and impact of demolition on safety and environment. To achieve the aims, various methodologies were adopted. Literatures on demolitions were first reviewed, then questionnaires, semi structured interviews, physical observation and case studies were adopted. Descriptive statistics involving the use of tables, charts and percentages were used to analyse the data. Though results of the analysis reveal that, demolition by using traditional hand held tools is the merely demolition technique, but demolishers were incapable of managing the demolition projects in terms of project planning, health and safety precautions as well as environmental issues. Furthermore, the executed building demolitions had no any aspect to encounter requirements of standards and codes due to absence of local legislations. In order to overcome the barriers presently faced, local authorities or professionals needed to look beyond and consider other countries experience. Hence, active participations of concerned government employees were extremely necessary in certain areas to provide long term and effective solutions. Therefore, the results of this study recommended, the need to develop cost effective and environmentally friendly demolition practices, increase the level of awareness to health and safety, promote recycling and reusing demolition debris and impose laws and environmental regulations that bans improper handling and support recycling of wastes. Keywords: Demolition, Environment, Health, Safety, Waste Management.enDemolitionEnvironmentHealthSafetyWaste ManagementInvestigation of Building Demolition Practices and Safety Precautions on Selected Sites of Addis AbabaThesis