Oumer, Jeilu (PhD)Mulugeta, Barak2018-06-262023-11-052018-06-262023-11-052010-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/3599NGO have been suffering from capacity problems which hamper the efficiency effectivene s, relevance and sustainability of their programs. In order to solve this problem group of NGOs established a coalition called Christine Relief Development Association/CRDA to contribute to the capacity development interventions of the NGOs. This study conducted with the objective to assess the capacity development interventions of NGOs focusing on CRDA member NGOs in light of governance, management practices, human resources, financial resources, service delivery, external relations and sustainability. Methodologically, descriptive survey method was employed. Data were gathered from 97 NGO employees, 3 CRDA capacity development experts and 6 stakeholders using random availability and purposive sampling techniques and appropriate data gathered through modified standard Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool, Focus Group Discussion and Key Informant Interview were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Frequency counts and X 2 test together with Fishers Exact Test for significant differences were used in the analysis. The results of the analysis indicated that the state of the seven core dimensions of organizational capacity is different among the local and international NGOs. Accordingly, the results of the study revealed that significant number of the local NGOs are found in an emerging stage/developing some capacity structure while the international NGOs are in the stage of expanding their organizational capacity, have a track record of achievement, their work is recognized by their constituency, the government, the private sector and other NGOs active in the same sector. Only very few of them are found to be in mature organizational development stage/fully functioning and sustainable, with a diversified resource base and partnership relationship with national and international networks. The degree of linkage between the NGOs capacity and the development needs of stakeholders was found to be medium among the local NGOs and relatively high/well defined and recognized in the international NGOs and the NGO-Government relationship/linkage is not strong and smooth after the 2005 national election. CRDA 's capacity development interventions are not adequately improving the effectiveness and efficiency of member NGOs and offer greater priority to training/workshop/seminars as the expense of grant and research related supports. Growing interests in terms of the content of training,' addressing the fond requests of all members,' shortage of professionals to run and follow the capacity development interventions to support the diverse members,' reluctance of some members to report on the outcomes of capacity development interventions,' rigid capacity development interventions, and linking all phases of the capacity enhancement process found to be the major problems encountered by CRDA. The strategies that have been used by CRDA to enhance capacity of members are increasing the capacity of members in the area of expertise and emergency responsiveness,' creating access to information on various developmental approaches and practices,' funding and developing the skill of resource mobilization. On top of this, conducting tailor made and participatory assessment before interventions; increasing the . degree of linkage between NGOs and stakeholder; designing feasible capacity development interventions focusing on fund rai ing, developing the capacity of CRDA in all aspects; resuming the development of members' capacity to influence the enabling environment through strategic alliance with similar umbrella organizations rather than engaging in advocacy were suggested as indispen able ways to improve the performance of CRDA member NGOsenEducationAn Assessement of Ngos Capacity Development Interventions: the Case of Crda MembersThesis