Medhane, Assefa (PhD)Yenealem, Fasil2018-06-282023-11-042018-06-282023-11-042002-12 thesis the road to African union evacuates earlier and current attempts made to the states of Africa The evaluation covers a period of almost one-century, from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century. The main objective of the research is to identify whether there were (are requisite conditions fro unification, such as compatibility of political values, greater economic and social transaction, peace and security and positive external environment in Africa. The thesis concludes that those requisite conditions for unification have not been sufficiently available in Africa despite some changes occurred after the demise of the Cold War in the 1990s. The paper also tries to evaluate the achievements and failures of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). It argues that the achievements of the OAU, in the political, economic and social dimensions were low. Finally, the paper attempts to show the structure, objective and functions of the new African Union, and tries to compare and contrast the Union with the defunct OAU.enInternational RelationThe Road to African Union: Retrospect and ProspectThesis