Gurmu, Eshetu (PhD)Bekele, Worknesh2018-10-102023-11-182018-10-102023-11-182007-08 situation of most of the people in the developing countries is worse due to extreme poverty for majority of men and women. The situation is however worst for women. As employment oppOltunities are very limited for women with no or lim ited skills, a number of women are engaged in commercial sex work as a ways of survival. On the other hand we live in an era of where HIV/AIDs has become the threat of not on ly health but also development of economy of a country .. Thus, th is situation draws attention to further research to take the necessary action. This study was made with the objective of assessing the situation and problems of commercial sex workers in Adama city and to identify some socio-economic and socio-cultural factors that lead women to involve in commercial sex work; and to identify challenges that women face in the life of sex business. To this end, the study uti lized both qualitative and quantitative method. In the qualitative method in-depth interv iews and focus group discussions were employed, while the cross-sectional survey method was applied to collect quantitative data. In in-depth interviews 13 volunteer commercial sex workers were participated, whi le four focus group discussions consists 6-8 members each were conducted. In addition, a total of 300 women were asked to report on the background, reasons to join commercial sex work, the challenges they have even faced, etc, to generate quantitative data. The study revealed a number of causes that lead women to commercial sex work. These include unemployment, economic need, the urge to support fami ly, parental death, divorce, peer initiation and abduction. But, in general the outstanding case that women forced to join sex business is economic problem that they face in their life. A number of women/girls enter to the busi ness due to the absence of other job. Factors such as having a better life through commercial sex work; better payment to be financially guaranteed is the major causes to the invo lvement of women in the commercial sel( work. The result of this research also indicated that a number of women who are involved in the sex business are exposed to tremendous challenge; such us phys ical, sexual, psychological, and social stigma. They are also exposed to different sexually transmitted diseases including HIV / AIDS. These women are found to be suffering from hitting, beating, and body injury by their clients. They also face sexual abuse in their daily life. They are also subjected to sever painful sexual intercourse including abnormal (anal and oral) sex which affects their health. In general, women in this business are denied their human rights. Women who are involved in commercial sex work are also victims of soc ial stigma. They are isolated, neglected and discriminated by the society in general. The negative attitude of the society towards commercial sex workers made them to be iso lated from social interaction they have with their famil ies, re latives, neighbors and friends . It is concluded that the necessary effOlts should be done by the government, non-governmental organizations and civic societies like women's and youth associations to eliminate the challenges of commercial sex workers.enConsequences of Commercial Sex WorkAn Assessment of Causes and Consequences of Commercial Sex Work in Adama City, Oromia National Regional StateThesis