Mulugeta, Solomon (PhD)Debasu, Haimanot2018-10-082023-11-182018-10-082023-11-182007-08 major objective of this study is to investigate the process of decentralization an Land Administratian in Bale Sub-city. . Five ina jar Land administratian services are selected to. canductthis study. These are prepcII'atian afTiIle deed far land passessian, Set/lement af land baundwy disputes, Registratian af tramler/transactians, Campensatian af relacatian, and Registratian armartgages. To. meet the abave stated abjective,·the. study . utilized survey research design which is characterized by sampling and quesliol1Jiaire. Fram the tatal af 785 service-seekers 78 are selected using simple randam sampling using the sample/rame Fam Land Administratian Department af Bale Sub-City. Regarding the questiannaire, clase and apen ended questians are emplayed to. gather data relevant to. the· study. Mareaver, key infarmants, abservatian and apprapriate dacuments are used to. triang,date the existing data. Bath qualitative and quantitative data analysis was employed to. assess the true nature af the tapic under investigatian. The study faund aut that decentralizatian afland administratian in Bale Sub-City is resulted in relatively beller accessibility af custamers to. land services in view af nearness to. their lacatian, relatively fast decisian making af afficials in the .land administration. Hawever, in all five land administratian services investigated in the study area, service delivery is canstrained by variaus prablems. The prablem ,!s . aggravated by vastness af the Sub-City, being an expansian area af the city, mwipawer, lagistics, ethical prablems as well as lack af caardinatian af different hierarchies. af land administratian badies. Hence based an the findings, same recammendatians a/'e made. Keywords: Decentralization, Munitipal Service, Land Admini stration, Bole Sub-City.enDecentralizationMunitipal ServiceLand AdministrationBole Sub-CityDecentralization and Municipal Service Delivery in Addis Ababa: The Case of Land Administrarion in Bole Sub-CityThesis