Teka, Solomon(PhD)Mena, Mezgebe2018-06-202023-11-092018-06-202023-11-092014-04http:// fitness, especially health-related physical fitness is one aspects closely associated with good health. Participation in regular physical activities is rapidly decreased specially in the college. In collage level professional physical education courses(practical and theoretical) are offered for both linear physical education and cluster Aesthetics only. Due to this, ,this research was conducted to identify the difference points between them in some selected physical fitness parameters and also aimed to assess and compare physical education verses Aesthetics students in selected physical fitness by formulating null hypotheses to accept or reject( whether there is significant difference between physical education and aesthetics group students) by deciding the variables which cause the effect on some behavior of research subjects as independent variables (different health and physical education courses given to both groups in practice or in theory ) to this research and dependant variables of physical fitness and control variables' such as sex difference(for group), age, weight, height, attitude/ interest, academic achievement, balanced diet, and other external factors. To attain this objective 80 research subjects are selected from third year linear and cluster group students as the subject of the research from total population of 2407 of college students both by simple random ( lottery ) and purposive sampling method were selected, and the data were collected through measure by their respective measuring device and procedures. To do this qusi-experimental was designed and statistical tools of independent sample t-test and one/single sample t-test with 5% error ,two tail hypothesis test from the SPSS version-19 were implemented. Finally relative to research subjects generally there is no significance difference between two groups in selected physical finesses variables in independent sample t-test but significance difference of both groups from standard range mean value in single sample t-test .when we compare the mean relatively linear groups have better performance. Based on this the researcher recommend that students should participate in regular physical exercise in order to enhance their fitness level. Key words fitness. aesthetics, health, linear, cluster, participation and exerciseenFitness; aesthetics; health; linear; cluster; participation and exerciseAssessment and Comparison of Some Selected Physical Fitness Level of Physical Education Versus Aesthetics Students in Arbaminch College of Teachers' EducationThesis