Damtew, Abebe (PhD)Ayalew, Esubalew2019-08-272023-12-052019-08-272023-12-052019-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/18849It is clear that today people all over the globe find proficiency in foreign languages vital in the development of their communities in such a competitive global growing economy, where skilled workforce is an asset in the social and economic growth. The purpose of instructional supervision is to improve the quality of teaching through bettering skills of teachers which in turn enhance students’ academic achievement. This study sought to “Assess the Role of Instructional Supervisors in enhancing the teaching-learning of ELT and professional development at Gulele sub-city government primary schools”. A mixed method of descriptive survey designs was used. A total of 112 participants were selected through random and availability sampling procedures. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, mean, standard deviation and overall mean were used to summarize information obtained from the field. It was presented in distribution tables of frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data was categorized into themes guided by research questions and presented in form of narratives and direct quotes. The findings established that supervisors lack skills, knowledge and expertise on how to supervise teachers and how to build their capacity. Supervisors lack experience in primary school English language teaching since they are from different background such as general education, natural sciences and social sciences. These supervisors do not support English language teachers since they do not have the knowledge and skills in teaching English. However, the prime objectives of supervision are capacity building; supervisors are required to support teachers by giving trainings and workshops with regard to bridging the knowledge and skill gaps. The mismatch of the objective of supervision and lack of knowledge of supervisors contributed much for professional development obstacle. The study recommended that supervisors should be setting enough time for instructional supervision in schools and Supervisors’ should have specific professional qualification in each subject on this case in English to enhance ELT. The study further suggested that government through the Ministry of Education should organize training programs for ELT teachers on the need for effective instructional supervision in order to enhance teachers’ role effectiveness.enForeign Language and LiteratureAssessing the Role of Instructional Supervisors in Enhancing the Teaching-Learning of Elt and Professional Development of Elt Teachers: Gulele Sub-City Government Primary Schools in FocusThesis