Hadaro PhD, FilmonNegesse, Dereje2020-03-032023-11-182020-03-032023-11-182019-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/20791This study assessed customer satisfaction in urban land related service delivery in Burayu town, Addis Ababa Surrounding Oromia Special Zone, Oromia National, Regional State Government, basing five determinants of quality service delivery in land administration developed by World Bank which includes Institutional, Technical, Administrative And Legal factors. The study design was a descriptive case study. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and researcher observation. The study also used journals, articles, research findings, policy documents as secondary sources. Data was analyzed through statistical software, percentage and frequency tables. This study found that, absence of information on procedure of getting service, low coordination between work process, long waiting time to receive service, absence of efficient skilled manpower, material and financial resources, low awareness on land policy, complaint is not addressed properly, citizen charter is not fully practiced, rent seeking behavior and practice and absence of decentralized land service delivery as a major challenge. Solving the problems of required manpower, material and financial resources, fully automating the land service delivery, giving continues awareness on land related policy, fully practicing good governance principles, fully functioning complaint handling mechanism, giving awareness on citizen charter and decentralizing land related services at kebele or sub city level are stated as a recommendation.enCustomer SatisfactionUrban Land Service DeliveryUrban Land DevelopmentUrban Land ManagementBurayu TownAssessment of Customer Satisfaction in Urban Land Related Service Delivery: The Case of Burayu TownThesis