Abebe, Mulugeta (Dr)G/Michael, Biruk2021-05-202023-11-042021-05-202023-11-042007-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/26473Ethiopia experiences heavy burden of disease with a growing prevalence of communicable infections. many Ethiopians face high disease mobility and mortality largely attributed to potentially preventable infectious diseases, nuIrilion deficiencies and poor health care. Black Lion and Dagmawi Menelik (public), and Bethzata (private) are the largesl hospitals in Ethiopia. they have many specialized services which are unique to them. Palients who come pom difjereni parts of Ethiopia are undergoing treatment in these hospilals. however. there are problems in rendering services to clients.enCustomerSatisfactionService Delivery and Customer Satisfaction in Selected Hospitals: The Case of Black Lion, Dagmawi Menelik and Betltzata HospitalsThesis