Tefera, Belay (PhD)Gizaw, Getachew2019-03-152023-11-182019-03-152023-11-182018-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/16797This study attempts to investigate the compatibility of the design and practice of postgraduate evening extension program with needs and developmental profiles of adult learners. To achieve this objective, both qualitative and quantitative study design was employed. The samples were selected using incidental sampling methods. The respondents were 112, 108 rates evening extension program graduate students from CEBS and four instructors from college of education behavioral science, purposefully selected . The data was collected through interview and questionnaire, structured interview guide were designed to gather qualitative and quantitative data from the participants of the research. The data were analyzed and discussed in description analysis method. The finding of the study should that there was compatibility in content, goal and organization of postgraduate education with adult needs and developmental profiles. In contrast Methods and assessment of postgraduate education with adult needs and developmental profiles were not compatible. The findings of the study revealed the college of education and behavioral studies and Addis Ababa University; the study suggest that the curriculum needs to be designed for evening extension program based on he needs and developmental profiles of adult learners and applying the right method of teaching and the targeted assessment.enExtension Program with NeedsDevelopmental Profiles of Adult LearnersCompatibility of Design and Practice of Postgraduate Evening Extension Program with Needs and Developmental Profiles of Adult Learners: The Case of College Of Education and Behavioral Studies, AAUThesis