Tola, Teshome (PhD)Said, Hussien2019-02-152023-11-052019-02-152023-11-052018-06 purpose of this study was discussing the existing Practices, Predicaments and prospects of School net Implementation in selected secondary schools in Addis Ababa. The main research questions raised were the extent of School Net implementation in the sample schools, the perceptions of teachers’, students’ and school leadership on School Net and the challenges for successful implementation of School Net. The research utilized mixed research method. And descriptive survey research design was used. The sampling methods employed were purposive, random sampling and stratified random sampling. A simple random sampling method was used to select sample sub cities. A purposive sampling method was used to select sample schools,their principals and experts. A stratified random sampling method was used to select teachers and students. The study used both primary and secondary sources. The researcher collected data from teachers, students, School leadership from sample schools, AACEB experts and sub city educational experts. The major data collection instruments include Questionnaires, interviewers, observation check list and document analysis. The major findings of the study include there were no infrastructure, equipment shortage in the schools. But there were functionality problems of computer and plasma TV. The study showed teachers lack appropriate ICT training. Even teachers have the same perception like the previous plasma transmission. There was good perception on educational plasma content lessons. Lastly, the study revealed that the implementation of school net in schools in Addis Ababa faces different challenges. These challenges include unavailability and inappropriate ICT infrastructure, teachers training and educational plasma contents in the secondary schools; limited ICT knowledge and skills for both the teachers and the students characterized by inadequate time for in-service courses for teachers; limited technical support during teaching and learning process, and lack of proper ICT policies in the secondary schools. There is a gap in owning the project properly and there is no continuous support, monitoring and evaluating school Net and giving responsibility to school leaders and different office levels were not managed well. The teachers in School Net project did not include the plasma content lessons in their daily and weekly lesson plan. Hence, the research concluded that the inadequate practice, poor perception and the mentioned challenges hindered school net implementation in the schools. Key words: ICT, School Net, Implementation, challenges, Prospects, Secondary School.enICTSchool NetImplementationchallengesProspectsSecondary School.Practices, Challenges and Prospects of School Net Implementation in Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa City AdministrationThesis