Admassie, Daniel (MD, Consultant Radiologist).Dr. Dessalegn, Chala2018-12-262023-11-052018-12-262023-11-052018-08 Bone metastasis is the most common site to which the breast cancer metastasis. Between 30%and 55% of the patients with breast cancers will develop bone metastasis during the course of the disease. Bone is also representing the first site of metastasis for 26% to 50%of patients with metastatic breast cancer. Imaging is essentials parts of the management of bone metastasis in breast cancer; however no consensus has been reached as to the optimal imaging modality. CT using the bone window offers superior skeletal detail, because of its ability to distinguish among materials of different density. Objective To assess the CT pattern of bone metastasis in breast cancer patients at Tikur Anbessa teaching referral hospital. Method Hospital based prospective cross-sectional study at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital with breast cancer patient who have bone metastasis being evaluated at radiology department and who have CT imaging during the study period. Convenience sampling technique was used. Result A total of 100 breast cancer patients with bone metastasis were included in the study from September 2017 to August 2018 GC. 91 of them are female and 9 of them are male. The minimum age is 21 years and the maximum age is 71 years with mean age of 42.5 years.Ductal carcinoma (87%) is the most common type of breast cancer followed by Adenocarcinoma (5%) and malignant epithelial tumor (5%).Lytic type (51%) of bone lesion is the frequent morphologic type followed by mixed (28%) and sclerotic (21%) respectively. In 87% of the patients had vertebral bone involvement followed by Pelvic bone (34% of patients) and ribs (30% of patients). There are five patients with skull bone involvement. Conclusion Majority of patients are female in our study with female to male ratio of 9:1 which is lower than most studies done at different countries. When seen on computed tomography, lytic lesion is the most common feature of bone lesion followed by mixed (sclerotic and lytic) and sclerotic, which is in line with most of the studies. When we come to the anatomic distribution of the affected bones from breast metastasis, vertebral bone is the most commonly affected bone followed by pelvic bone and ribs.en-USBreast cancer,mortalityProspective study of Computer Tomographic pattern of bone metastasis in breast cancer patients, Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 2018 GC.Thesis