Teshome, Zelalem (PhD)Ayenew, Zebider2018-07-192023-11-042018-07-192023-11-042016-08-01http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/9478In this project, my main concern is to study the Lattice Homomorphism of Lattice Ordered Groups.First we will give the defnition of lattice order group and study its properties. We will see the de_nition given by Stone and Von-Neumann.Next we will defne and study lattice homorphisms. By considering set of all lattice homorphism of a lattice ordered group G. We will show that the homomorphism of G for which (x) = (y) if and only if the set of elements in G disjoint with x is the same as the set disjoint with y, is the maximal lattice homomorphism of G whose kernel is f0g. Finally, we deal with ideal of lattice ordered group and Archimedean Lattice ordered groupsenLattice HomomorphismLattice Homomorphism of Lattice Ordered GroupThesis