Zeray, Hagos2022-05-132023-11-182022-05-132023-11-181998-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/31670This study investigated the relationship of sex, age and teaching experience to teacher stress and teachers ' coping strategies as well as sex difference on teacher stress and coping strategies. The study involved a random sample of 200 school teachers (100 Males and 100 Females) in 8 elementary schools of Western Zone Tigray. Overall the results suggested that a considerable portion of elementary school teachers (about one-fourth) in the present study rate their profession as very stressful or moderately stressful. Regression analysis further showed that teacher characteristics such as teaching experience, and sex were predictive of work-related teachers stress. In addition, experience and age of teachers were identified as relatively more important characteristics in explaining teachers' coping strategies. Age of teachers, however, was related negatively to teachers' coping strategies. Furthermore, female teachers appear to experience more stress reactions to pupil misbehavior and time pressures than male teachers. On the other hand, causes of stress for male teachers seem to arise mainly from poor school ethos. Contrary to cultural stereotypes, there were no significant sex differences in employing emotion-focused and/or problem-focused coping stra tegies between male and female subjects. The discussion focused on a comparison of the findings with previous findings. The implications of the findings for stress prevention among school teachers are also identified.enRelationship between SexCharacteristics to Teacher StressThe Relationship between Sex and Other Characteristics to Teacher Stress and Coping Strategies: The Case of Western Zone Elementary School Teachers of TigrayThesis