Bekele Endashaw (Professor)Hailu Michael2018-07-052023-11-082018-07-052023-11-082008-06 populations of the common river frog, Rana angolensis Bocage 1866, in the surroundings of Addis Ababa (Akaki, Entoto, Gulele and Kotebe), Ethiopia, were studied with the sample size of 10 for each. Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRs) as a molecular marker was used to assess genetic diversity, both within and between populations, using three di-nucleotide ISSR primers. A total of 29 clear and reproducible bands were amplified from the three ISSR primers. The over all gene diversity and percent polymorphisms were found to be higher in Akaki than in other populations (0.22). The Shannon-weaver diversity index also confirmed the existence of higher diversity in Akaki Rana populations than the other populations used in the present study. Furthermore, partitioning of the Shannon-weaver diversity showed that the majority of the variations were observed within populations of the Akaki and Entoto (68.89% and 55.17% respectively). Similarly, AMOVA demonstrate highly significant (P=0.00) genetic differences within each populations than among populations of Rana angolensis. Of the total variation, 27.25% was attributable to among populations, while 72.75% to within population variation. Both UPGMA and neighbour joining trees were constructed for each individual and population using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient. The trees do not clearly indicate the four distinct groups which are based on populations of area origin. The PCO analysis has also recovered the UPGMA and neighbour joining trees and each population do not appear to form a clear cluster. . Key words: genetic diversity, Rana angolensis populations, ISSR, Addis Ababaengenetic diversityRana angolensis populationsISSRAddis AbabaAnalysis of the Genetic Diversity of Populations of Rana Angolensis Bocage 1866 Using the Issr MarkerThesis