Teshome, Tilahun (professor)Ashenafi, Tigist2019-09-262023-11-082019-09-262023-11-082017-02http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/19213The purpose of this study is to assess the existing legislation governing e-communication and storage of information in Ethiopia, which is inadequate or outdated because it does not give recognition to electronic commerce. Ethiopia has not yet set a comprehensive legal framework for e-commerce in general and electronic signature in particular. Ethiopia’s e-signature and e-commerce laws are still at draft stage. The research design for this study is a descriptive survey with a critical and analytic approach. The research will describe existing situations in the selected study area. The study revealed that the absence of laws dealing with electronic commerce and e-signature , cause uncertainty as to the legal nature and validity of the information presented in a form other than a traditional paper document. This undermines the prospects for the successful development of e-commerce. Finally, recommendations were made on the current e-commerce and e-signature laws.enLawThe Legality of E-commerce and E-signature under Ethiopian LawThesis