Kassahun, Fesseha (PhD)Ayehu, Desalegn2018-06-212023-11-092018-06-212023-11-092010-06http:// the propagator method discussed in J. Math. Phys. 33 (1992) 2179, we calculate the Q function of the cavity coherent light and the signal mode produced by a degenerate subharmonic generator. We then determine the superposition of these two light beams. Employing the input-output relation, we obtain the Q function of the output light. With the aid of the resulting Q function, the squeezing and statistical properties of the output light are analyzed. It is found that the coherently driven cavity mode has no e ect on the quadrature variance of the output light. However, it enhances the mean photon number of the output light.enThe Output Light from a SubharmonicThe Output Light from a Subharmonic Generator and a Coherently Driven Cavity ModeThesis