Legesse, Dr. MengistuAlemayehu, Alemtsahay2019-12-312023-11-042019-12-312023-11-042019-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/20476In this study, an attempt was made to assess the accessibility of buildings for people with physical disabilities in Yeka sub-city, in Addis Ababa. As the study employed descriptive method, the data were analyzed quantitatively that is frequency, percentage and qualitatively (thematically).Non-probability sampling technique was used to gather the data. The study covered the identification and ascertaining the accessibility of a total of 40 public buildings. The study involved twenty people with physical disabilities who lived in Yeka Sub-city and five construction officers. The required data were collected using observation check list and structured-interview for people with disabilities and semi-structured interview with construction officers. To consolidate the information obtained from the observation, a structured interview was conducted with twenty people with physical disabilitiesAbove all, the finding revealed that buildings in Yeka Sub-City are not accessible for people with disabilities. . That is to say, buildings in Yeekaub-city had no way findings, accessible path way, and outdoor facilities. Furthermore, buildings in yeka Sub-city had no easy to use ramps, entrance doors, and reception counter desk. In addition, the building in Yeka sub-city had no large enough corridor, elevator, and had no signage. In addition, buildings in Yeka sub-City did not have the required standards to be accessible for people with physical disabilities and this put a number of impacts on their lives. The researcher recommends contractors to consult the UNICIEF’s standards of buildings. Finally, the researcher suggested future researchers to continue research on accessibility of buildings for people with disabilities in Addis Ababa. Key terms: accessibility, buildings, physical disabilities, standardsen-USaccessibility, buildings, physical disabilities, standardsAssessing the Accessibility of Buildings for Persons with physical Disabilities in Yeka Sub-CityThesis