Kitila, Tamene (PhD)Alemu, Sebele2021-03-182023-11-092021-03-182023-11-092013-06 purpose of this study was to explore teachers' practices of teaching reading lessons in early grade especially grade one. The subjects of the study were grade one English teachers of Menelik II Primary government School. A sample of 3 grade one English teachers were chosen, however one of the teacher left out due to her personal reason. Thus, the 2 grade one English teachers were observed for 6 periods each while they were teaching reading. After the classroom observation the 2 teachers were interviewed. Next, based on the checklist prepared from the review of related literature the text book used to teach reading was analyzed. Analysis of the data collected through observation, interview, and book analysis shows the following findings: Teachers used whole language method; Most of the basic reading instructional methods were not used; Teachers were not aware of early reading methods; The text book provide activities of phonics, ยท but no phonemic awareness; and the topics and pictures of the text are familiar and predictable for the students. On the basis of these findings, some recommendations were forwarded.en-USTeaching ReadingAn Exploratory Study of Teaching Reading in Early Grade: In The Case of Menelik Primary SchoolThesis